The apex organ of i-ADRNigeria is the Governing Council which comprises of distinguished and high value individuals from all walks of life who subscribe to the objectives and values of i-ADRNigeria and who are willing and to give their time and capabilities in the service of the Institute.
The Governing Council is headed by the President and Chairman of Council who is a highly qualified, reputable, recognized and respected ADR Practitioner. There are also 2 Vice Presidents and an Honorary Treasurer
The President shall convene, through the Registrar/ Chief Executive Officer of the Institute, the periodic meetings of the Governing Council and the Governing Council is responsible for determining the policies and broad direction of the Institute.
Chief Executive Officer/Registrar (CEO)
The Institute has a Registrar who doubles as the Chief Executive Officer.
The Executive Board is headed by the Registrar/ CEO and responsible for the day to day operations of the Institute.
The Registrar shall attend all meetings of the Governing Council.
The Financial Secretary handles all the financial and monetary affairs of the Institute under the direction of the Registrar/ CEO and liaises with the External Auditor appointed by the Governing Council to audit the accounts of the Institute
Other departments under the Registrar are- Membership; Education and Training; Marketing and Communications; Finance; Operation and strategies; Administration and Logistics; New Businesses
There shall be also reporting to the Registrar- the Branch heads for the 6 geopolitical regions in the country. Each branch head shall coordinate the all states under its region.